Friday, May 8, 2020

A Failed Attempt To Record A Tagore Song

A celebratory birth day

- Celebrity, lord -

Could be a bridger of today's guantanamo bay

Morning, daily chores of meeting - the lord, bard, poet with his melody

In a juke box of continuity

Rising up and up all around

He had to rise, as everything is locked out

The present, past and future all bombarded him

Their love, gratitude, praise, symbolism

I kept on failing and failing

The bridge notes kept on going and coming

Sometimes it went out in the middle of MS Team

Frequently amidst in my Zoom sessions, watsapp work and capricious day dream

I hoped in the evening the bard and bridge will come

To find me and get a melody or bridge note which will be awesome

Well, the dusk passed

Digital gifts for the doyen rushed

Then came the evening

I strapped out of my work string

Got hold of the piano for the bridge and the bard

I failed and made the task to capture the poet very hard

He slipped by and told me that now its time for him

To go to MS Team

As I wandered, where is my bard and poet on his bird-day

I could finally feel him in my failed attempts to bridge the guantanamo bay