Thursday, October 10, 2024

স্মৃতি কাঁটা

 ঠিক কোন সময় একটা স্মৃতির মৃত্যু হয়?

যখন শব্দগুলো রূপক হারায়।

ঠিক কোন সময় একটা স্মৃতির মৃত্যু হয়?

যখন আমাদের মর্মস্থলে হাত হাতড়ায়।

স্মৃতির মৃত্যু ঠিক কখন হয়?

যখন লেগে থাকা কাঁটা আর তার রক্তময়।

বয়ে যায় রক্ত নালায় নালায়,

নতুন শিশু শুধুই মৃত্যুর পাঞ্জায়।

ঠিক কোন সময় একটা স্মৃতির মৃত্যু হয়?

যখন টাঙিয়ে রাখা পাঞ্জাবিতে চুল পাওয়া না যায়।

ঠিক কোন সময় একটা স্মৃতির মৃত্যু হয়?

যখন লক্ষ্য কোটি বছর পর সূর্য নিভে যায়।

তখন এক ঠান্ডা চাঁদ আর কয়লা পৃথিবী,

সব শব্দ কয়লাময় জীবন প্রতিচ্ছবি।

হঠাৎ কিছু শব্দ আসে,


স্মৃতির মৃত্যু ঘটছে আসে পাশে।

তারপর তাঁরা হয়ে ওঠে আগুন,

সূর্য জ্বলে ওঠে শতগুণ।

সে জেগে ওঠে চোরাবালি থেকে,

মৃত স্মৃতি বাঁচে মগজের ফাঁকে।

ঠিক তখনই এক স্মৃতির জন্ম,

মৃত্যু কাঁটা পেড়িয়ে বাচাই তার ধর্ম কর্ম।

শুভ অষ্টমী 



Wednesday, October 9, 2024

সপ্তমী ওয়ালেট

ভাড়া করা ক্যাপ গুলো দৌড়তো এই দিনে
সময়টা ব্যাকপাস করে যায় ভুল গুণে 
সন্ধ্যার আলোতে দৌড় দেওয়া ফুটপাথে 
এগরোল আর পামপ্লেট এক সাথে 
কলকাতার মোড় গুলো কে হেঁটে হেঁটে 
ধরার ছোঁয়া ঘামে ঘামে খেতে খেটে 
সপ্তমীর ঢাক নাটক গান 
লুকিয়ে রঙ্গিলার সমূদ্র স্নান 
ছোট ছোট পাড়ার খাতায় 
মুহূর্ত গুলো সবুজ পাতায় 
ফরোয়ার্ড ফুটবল পাসে খোঁজে 
আরেকটা কেনা ক্যাপ আজকের "ওয়ালেট" ভাজে।

শুভ সপ্তমী 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Suitcase In The Dream - Shortest Story

 A suitcase called and marked "Elegance" is what he used to carry whenever he would travel. The upper part of the suitcase had his visiting cards with his name, designation. Then, one day, he passed away and the suitcase changed hands to be the travel companion of his son. The visiting cards were all kept intact in all the travel of his son in the suitcase. 

The suitcase, visiting cards moved on with the son. On one day, then suddenly, the son was traveling on a train with the suitcase. The suitcase was waiting at the station to travel in the train from New Delhi to Kolkata where the father used to stay. The train started on time while the son was busy buying a tea at station stall. The train picked up the speed. The son had no time to think about the waiting suitcase anymore. He ran fast to board the moving train. He got up into the train but "Elegance" stayed on the platform. The father's visiting cards of the last travel were seperated too from the son. The train picked up, accelerated, while "Elegance", "Suitcase" were being seperated and getting distant from the son. The son stood on the bogey gate and was anxiously looking back onto the platform with a choking, seperated feeling. The claustrophobia created a pressure on the chest.

Suddenly an alarm rang! The son got up from the dream. It was 8.00 am and he had to rush to the airport for an official travel. He looked around and saw it. Yes, "Elegance" with the father's visiting cards was standing tall on his four legs and fully ready to go for the official travel of the son!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Where Barters' Dare!

 "Where Barters' Dare"

October 2, is a day celebrated as the birthday of "Bapu" , "The Father" , a being who evolved with the imperfections of a being towards the soul of a country to be a nation. A nation with a diversity of unique imperfections which can be celebratory in nature. This same day and time highlights the beginning of a lunar cycle which marks the continuity of beginning and end of mortal life forms through mortal agents and mediums. Every year, therefore during this time, I have to go back to the ground, roots to nurture their life forms with what they need most - "Just a food to grow". 

This year was not an exception but in addition I met the same person on the footpath of New Delhi who almost 21 years back had fed me with food to grow while today I was distributing food coupons to footpath dwellers. The time was sometime in May 2003 and I had performed in Lok Kala Manch for a one and half hour musical theatre with no break. 

I was hungry, thirsty but only had two single notes in the pocket with no wallet.The real ego and ego real state doesn't exist only in a rich or in the one who has the paper in the wallet or the numbers in the digital account. It stays in a student too who is ambitious, giving best but then realises that generally the concept of the paper is always about power asymmetry. From that ego, the dare to not eat or resist hunger is born even when you are hungry after a show. Hence in such a state, the performer with real ego and ego real condition only looks onto the footpath dhaba, looks at the others eating but can't eat for himself. However 21 years back, one person could see that and asked me to sit on the street side and eat two aloo paranthas, sabzi with onion and cucumber. He didn't take any money in return. No barter or exchange happened. He calmed my real ego hunger. Today, 21 years down the line when I went to the same place, he immediately recognised me while I was giving food coupons to people. He came forward and arranged a table and a chair for me. He cleaned the same steel utensils of the past of memories, served me with a roti, sabzi, daal and wanted to immediately make parantha for me. He didn't take money even today as he didn't during May 2003. I couldn't see his mother today who also used to be there with him at the street stall. Post Covid, I get anxious to ask this question - "Where is your close family member to most street dwellers whenever I meet them?". I was hesitant to ask but still asked - "Where is your mother?"

Bhaiyya of the food stall first responded that - "Bhaiyya Khana Khaiye Sirf, Mujhe Paisa Nahi Chahiye, Daal Aur Du!" He was not responding to my question. I was getting tensed. Finally he responded - "Mummy America Gayi Hai With A Smile".

I truly felt today I was at a place again after 21 years - "Where Barters' Dare?"

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

মেঘের আশ্রয়

 মেঘের কাছে জল জমেছে

জল কি আশ্রিত তাঁর কাছে

নাকি জল আশ্রয় দিয়েছে

 বৃষ্টি হয়ে ঝরে পড়ে চোখে চোখে

বর্ষার মাঝে সমব্যথী মুখে

মুখে মুখরিত স্লোগান

আরজি কর এর গান

মেঘ অগত্যা পেল রাস্তায় ঝরে পড়ার টান

নীল, সাদা, কালো, রং বেরঙ হওয়ার কলতান।

Thursday, August 29, 2024

To Be Or Not To Be - "A Green Day"


Francis Beacon had once said that to know the nature outside, we need to know the nature within. As a child, the quest to know the nature outside started with the thirst to know the nature within. While the nature within was lost in multiple conflicts of gene, nature, culture, conditioning, hereditarianism, a view outside towards nature got me back to within. It often happened, that when the answers of nature within were not available, I got the same answers in the green fields of West Bengal while travelling to Krishnanagar, Durgapur, Mogra away from Kolkata.

Every journey of mine in a train, away from Kolkata was actually bringing me near to the nature within while being positioned in the larger frame of the nature outside. The journey from Kolkata was therefore not a journey from the refugee homes of the city but was being more close to the nature within and outside.

Each such interaction of the nature within and outside through my travel to the rural villages, towns and suburbs away from Kolkata was like a – “A Green Day”.  The emotions of rage, despair, anguish, hope, anxiety, light would all get mixed up to reach to a tunnel end after a spiritual death through these pathways to the rural society. Urban society was quite synonymous to me as a “A Grey Day”.

However, on some days of monsoon or April stuck by Norwesters, my Grey Days of the City Living would become “A Green Day” when I would plunge to ponds, muds after football matches amidst high storm and rainfall. I could see the muddy color of my despair, feeling of exclusion from the city privileges, elitism being driven away by the muds of the monsoon football grounds of the refugee space and habitation where I grew up.

Often, I would do that in the middle of the football grounds within the TB Hospital Campus of Jadavpur of 80s and early 90s which had the humans and pigs playing together on the football ground amidst the mud. Orwell’s “Animal Farm” was not applicable in those days of my childhood as in that Animal Ground, humans and pigs had no hierarchy. They all would equally enjoy muds, smell of grass, monsoon rains, cuts and bruises of life and body together. Truly, the rage and despair would get converted to “A Green Day” in those days while playing together with pigs on the football ground of the TB Hospital Campus at Jadavpur. Then, one day, after leaving Kolkata and facing the city space of Delhi when I had a cultural realization of the space within me, I found out that the nature within me was – “A Green Day”. Such a Green Day was facing the threat of extinction from the perils of human induced impacts of climate change. I had no other way but to join people who equally had found out “A Green Day” within themselves just like me through nature. I had to fight the threat of extinction from the perils of human induced impacts of climate change to safeguard the nature within me from becoming extinct, and a living fossil. There was no other way but to collaborate with my Co-Editors, Co-Authors of The Book – “A Green Day” published by Hachette India and represented by The Book Bakers. I found out the same nature within and outside in – Mr. Jeevesh Gupta and Mr. Chittaranjan Dubey.

The rage, despair, hope of within expanded and extended its arms and joined hands with many across the world and gradually the chapters of the book “A Green Day” were born with the stewarding guidance and support of the other two co-editors too. The journey of the book “A Green Day” has just begun as it is a journey of a child to protect the nature within to see the nature outside and both are mutually co-existing. This voice will only multiply in future and will counter question every inner voice which often arises from our existential dilemmas of life saying – “Why do we need to protect this nature inside to see the nature outside or vice versa”?

Hence – “A Green Day” is not just merely a book that I was part off starting from the inception to publication but it has been an attempt to create a process of winning the doubt that arises everytime, everyday which often tells us that – “You should give up protecting the nature within and just be with the flow as anyways you might loose it being too little in the larger scheme of things”!

A Green Day is therefore an attempt to represent the voice of all such citizens and individuals who are fighting and conquering such a doubt everyday from waking up till they go to bed to sleep!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Nudge for A People-Centric Clean Energy Transition and Decarbonization for Climate Goals: A Double-Edged Sword


Economic Survey of India of 2024 for the first time has raised a valid concern about the prioritization process and order of attainment of India’s Climate and Developmental Goals. Chapter 6 of this year’s Economic Survey cited the work of Mike Hulme to make a point that – “ It is quite easy to imagine future worlds in which global temperature exceeds 2°C warming which is 'better' for human well-being, political stability, and ecological integrity; for example, than other worlds in which – by all means and at all costs – global temperature was stabilized at 1.5°C." 

This year’s Economic Survey, therefore, highlighted the point that prioritizing only the temperature-bound climate goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius without balancing out the developmental costs of such a goal on low-income and developing countries might not be ethical when viewed from the lens of human well-being, political stability, and ecological integrity. This is particularly true while considering the work done by Richard Tol in 2024, where he showed that the welfare-equivalent income loss due to a 2.5-degree Celsius warming relative to pre-industrial times is always significantly higher for developing countries.

A focus on income, wealth, equity and distribution goals are equally important for developing countries to create their future resilience to fight the adverse impacts of climate change and global warming. Hence, a blind focus on temperature goals of climate action can often be biased against the equity and distributive justice aspects of developing countries. Therefore, a non-aligned, non-holistic approach and focus on climate action through renewable energy transition can be detrimental to the developmental goals of people in developing countries. This is particularly true because any energy transition from one dominant fuel to another on a national, global, or local scale is inherently a protracted affair as stated by Vaclav Smil in 2014. It might take 50 to 60 years to happen with constant perseverance by generations. A transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is not an exception.

Moreover, often such transitions are marked and fraught by conflicts and knowingly and unknowingly might not be people-centric. A study by Sovacool et. al (2022)[1] of which the author was also a part, shows that different actors, tactics, and outcomes are at interplay for the clean energy transition in seven carbon-intensive regions in Asia, Europe, and North America. Based on a data set of 130 case studies, the research shows how tactics (such as litigation or protest) impact outcomes (such as remuneration, policy change, concessions, or labor protections) for different fossil fuel to clean energy transitions like solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear. The research highlights the importance of actors, nudges by the actors in terms of – a) tactics (like litigations, meetings, protests), and national and international institutional responses to national, supra-national, and global pressures impact the fossil fuel to clean energy transition. The research through a cultural, sociotechnical, and comparative perspective based on the data of 130 case studies proves that goals of people-centric clean energy transition are often refracted through local, subnational, and national institutions catalyzed through local mobilizations which are either in support or opposed to fossil fuel to clean energy transition.

These findings further substantiate Vaclav Smil’s work in 2014 and strengthen the need to have strong social enablers and nudges for a clean energy transition in developing countries to happen which are generally time-consuming and can last for 50 to 60 years. However, while the countries move, and transit in such a time-consuming pathway, the wiser strategy can be to reduce energy and material consumption of developing, developed countries with an equitable wealth and income distribution between the developed and developing countries and within developing countries. This in a way can in the long term be useful to create ecological integrity, political stability, and equity for fighting the adverse impacts of climate change on poverty and development in the future.

Mission Life of India primarily focuses on such a clarion call through an ethical and moral lens which also finds a mention in the Economic Survey of 2024. The global literature on reducing such a demand for energy and material consumption has already been outlined in the “Degrowth Literature” which mentions a steady state of economic growth by progressively reducing emission intensity, resource, and material consumption in the growth path. India which has on average achieved an economic growth rate of 7% - 8% with an emission growth rate of 4% is also on track towards creating a successful example of a country that can “Degrow” while following its “Economic Growth”. However, the long-term success of such a path will only depend on social nudges which can progressively reduce energy and material consumption in the production and demand cycle of economic goods and services of the country. Once, such strong nudges to facilitate ecologically friendly behavior from both supply and demand sides are in place, India can attain its Viksit Bharat Goal of 2047  while being a front runner in the climate action goals of the world by continuing to be a social and politically stable country.