Monday, December 31, 2018

What is a New Year?

Well today is 1st January, 2019. Within the pages of a calendar, another year has passed and a new year has arrived. But for me the important question is - “What is a new year”? Within the two ancient entities of time and space, a year is a universe of reality and lived experiences. But then it ideally should not have a boundary of a calendar year and has a component of timelessness in it. So is it correct to actually define a year as a new year because there is nothing new in it but rather a continuum of lived experiences.  These lived experiences from a long time back since the age of 24 I started seeing often as a unity dependent on humanity, realism and often independent of human factor. But they still have been a function of a series of events which are magical and beyond our control. And when we are in harmony with those magical elements we are in sync with the eternal which we often call as the truth or the beauty.

The scientific, rational and logical view and explanation of this insyncing experience  is also often called as truth seeking. In the process of such truth seeking exercise, we realise our constrained limitations through our relative limitations within a society or human existence.  So this truth seeking exercise is not confined to only one individual. Rather this truth seeking exercise is a harmony of the entire human existence on this earth or at any space or over time. Hence, the beauty of a new year also arises out of this truth seeking exercise and is therefore not independent of a human being or humanity.  Hence such a beauty in the new year can only come when we attain or achieve a perfect comprehension of an universal mind through our pains, losses, mistakes, blunders ,  hypocricies, contradictions, conflicts, warmth, affection, love, instincts, shades of emotions and illuminated consciousness driven by subconscious thinking.  It is when this perfect comprehension happens we move towards an ideal of truth which can often also be called as a structure of belief. This belief is often indispensible for us: for the existence of everything around us and can also be independent of one individual’s experiential living of mind. This truth when achieved independent of one individual’s existence can only create something called new in the continuum of space and time and which symbolically we can call as a new year.  And when such a truth is achieved it not only becomes a new and happy year but a religion through a reconciliation of a universal human spirit.

Welcome to all of you to such a confession box in the continuum of space and time!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Post 376

Rains splatter
On grey matter
Colours of Rainbow
Right, left, centre
Take a bow
Is not his story
People are mystery
They are rainbows
Glittering in all shows
The show goes on
In this dominion
So time for no demon
Only humans thereafter and thereon